What are the hours of operation for Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad functions on all working days. You can contact them on the number provided or by personally visiting them during their working hours from Monday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Tuesday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Wednesday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Thu:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Friday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Saturday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Sunday:- Closed.
Where is the Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad located?
Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad is located at 1st Floor, Karan Palace, Bhatola, Sector 82, Tigaon Road, Greater Faridabad,,121002,. The school can be easily located on Google Maps and can be accessed through public and private transport.
What are the various modes of payment accepted at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad accepts all the modes of payment and has a convenient and automated fee payment system. The school accepts payment in form of Cash, Cheque, IMPS and HelloParent App. A large majority of parents prefer to make digital payments via UPI or HelloParent app. They can get immediate receipt when paid through the HelloParent app.
Is there daycare facility available at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
No, Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad does not provide any Daycare facilities currently in their premises. However, you can avail the preschool facilities for your child at the school.
Is there a Transport facility available at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad has the facility to provide the transport for pick up and drop off the kids. Also, the school provides the tracking facility via HelloParent app. This provides a peace of mind to the working parents as they can easily get updated when the child reaches or leaves the school and also about the child’s location. The charges for the transport facility shall vary as per the distance between the school and the pickup/drop point.
What is the fee structure of Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
A parent generally asks,” What is the best preschool near me and the fee structure?” The fee structure for Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad is nominal and at par with other best preschools near your location. The fee structure shall vary as per the class the child shall take admission in. Please do contact the admission desk at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad for the fee structure.
What are the facilities available at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad provides various facilities suitable for the education and care of your child. This includes the different classes for various age groups like Playgroup, Nursery, Junior KG and Senior KG. The school also has other activities to keep the child engaged.
How can I seek admission at Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad for my child?
To seek admission for your child in Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad, you can contact them on the number provided or by personally visiting them during their working hours from Monday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Tuesday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Wednesday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Thu:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Friday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Saturday:- 8:00 am - 7:30 pm, Sunday:- Closed.
Which age is best for sending the child to Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad?
Children between the age of 18 months to 5 years attend play school. Kids above 3 and four years start their usual schooling by that age and children below 18 months are can be enrolled for Mom and Toddlers programmes. Bachpan A Play School, Greater Faridabad caters to kids ranging from age group 18 months to 4 years