3 ★

I Bambini Pre school, Sector 56, Gurugram

icon Golf course road, sushant lok phase 2, Sector 56
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About School
i bambini (Italian for ‘Children’), nestled in over an acre of greens, is the first school in India to introduce ‘The Reggio Emilia approach’. The preschool was founded in 2003 by the Director, Ms. Shakun Chaudhary, who is an eminent & very well experienced Educationist.The school has received the ‘Best Pre-School, Gurgaon - Award’ By ‘THE TIMES RESEARCH’ as it seeks to enhance a child’s ‘own powers of thinking through the synthesis of all the expressive, communicative and cognitive languages.’
Our Ratings
3 out of 5
Frequently asked questions
How can I seek admission at I Bambini Pre school for my child?
Which age is best for sending the child to I Bambini Pre school?