At the age of 2 children begin to develop Independence and it’s the best time to explore their developmental milestones. They begin to experiment and develop self help skills. Which each child have His/her learning pace and a different way to comprehend their surroundings. This level is suitable for children in the age group up to 2.5 years of age. The curriculum and activities are designed to help the child build social, emotional, language , cognitive & physical skills. The parents at this level are equally encouraged to partner with the school to ensure that their ward is driven towards holistic development at the tender age.
We observe & listen to their expressed interests. Children at this age wish to touch, taste, smell hear and test things for themselves. They learn by experiencing and by doing. They are busy developing skills using language, and to gain inner control. We maintain a balance between play & learning, children at the=is age enjoy dramatic play, as their emotions are extreme & short-lived. They need to be express their feelings, with words, and also to share.
Development of reading readiness, writing readiness and pre–number concepts and promotion of knowledge and understanding skills, personal and social skills and values relevant to the age group will be the focus. Competence in talking and listening and in becoming readers and writers in essence (pre-reading and pre-writing skills), with rudiments of communication skills in English, and with a growing vocabulary and increased fluency to express their thoughts and convey the meaning to the listeners