3 ★

The Morals, Vaishali, Ghaziabad

icon Plot No. 14, Vaishali Extension, Sector 9, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Talk to us
About School
Our Vision is to provide an environment that enables every child to have opportunities to learn and enable all round development. The children are encouraged to question, explore, investigate and acquire skills that will make them learners for life. The Child's play is his purpose at that moment. They prefer to work in a group or explore individually depending on their needs. Such an attitude will be nurtured and their preference will be respected. This a place where we identify every child as a unique individual.
Our Ratings
3 out of 5
Frequently asked questions
How can I seek admission at The Morals for my child?
Which age is best for sending the child to The Morals?