Language and creative skills are developed at this tender age. They like listening to rhythmic patterns in rhymes and stories. The objective at this age is to create a love for learning. At 3+ years of age, the child loves to explore. They identify action words and one also able to make more. They involve several ideas or actions. At this age, the child is confident to try new activities. They can make comparisons between quantities and can also use words such as more and a lot. They love to explore their immediate environment.
These children are confident to try new activities and express their likes. They love to work with stacking blocks vertically and horizontally, makeup enclosures and creating spaces. They also use movement to express feeling and create movement in response to music. At the flowering stage, they give attention to what others say and enjoy stories, ask questions at the relevant time. This builds up vocabulary help them to use it in different play situations. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully including dressing and going to the toilet independently.
Your beloved child deserves the best daycare facilities. We give full attention to your child so that you can focus on your work in a stress-free manner.