An exciting world where children can develop their independence, discover new objects and explore their powers to communicate. A child’s third year is a time of huge change as they are moving from the total dependence of babyhood to the more independent, mobile world of preschoolers. At this age children are exploring their powers to communicate, to move purposely, to assert their independence and individuality, and to control their important bodily functions. We at Toddler House provide the child with an environment that will jump-start the developmental process. Our Staff understands the frequent changes in moods, interests, and capabilities and provides calm, consistent care and supportive teaching. This program helps the child develop his latent creative, language and maths skills.
Where young learners can build their confidence and skills, problem solve and gain an increasing understanding of the world around them. As children move out of toddlerhood and into the independence of the pre-school years, the programme for learning develops into a more structured pace of meaningful and purposeful learning where children are encouraged to approach the world with curiosity and with a positive disposition to learn. At this stage, children need confidence and the skills and desire to think for themselves, to solve problems, to work with others, to communicate, and to gain an increasing understanding of the world and how it works. It includes pre-writing, pre-reading, pre-maths, science and social skills. These are taught in a natural and logical sequence; thereby encouraging the child to learn a step at a time.
A comprehensive, focused and skill-based program. Continuous development of language skills and learning makes this program the perfect way to groom the little one for their big debut into full-time formal schooling The Kindergarten program of Toddler House prepares the child for primary school education. It facilitates the smooth transition from pre-school to a structured learning environment of the formal school. It is designed to lay the pedagogical foundations that prepare every child to be ready to read: confidently equipped with the desire, vocabulary, and language-deciphering skills they have developed through experiences that are meaningful to them.